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Community Connect Behavioral Health CEO 

Meet our founder Khelsea Walker BS,MHC, LPC, of Memphis TN. Khelsea graduated from the University of TN at Chattanooga with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Master of Science in Professional Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Freed Hardeman University. She is the Founder of CommunityConnected Non-Profit Organization dedicated to reuniting the family, and promoting individual change through holistic psychoeducational, and comprehensive counseling services. Her vision through CommunityConnected is Safe change, Safe Community, and Safe communication.   

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My Story

Through personal experiences and connections, I developed a passion for helping others.  With years of success in the Healthcare industry, I focused my attention to developing CC.  I plan to leverage my knowledge in Healthcare and Mental health to advocate for the health and rights of those suffering from MH issues, while spreading awareness and access to screening, and quality care in the behavioral health sector.


CC has developed talented teams to spearhead new markets of expansion and development. 

As a compassionate advocate and leader, this role is my foundation to begin creating new Business and growth leveraging my skills of overseeing company operations, communicating between board members and other company executives, and making important decisions that impact our communities and creates better outcomes.


Email: Phone: 901-300-0864

Community Connect Mental Health Counseling

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